Mail stationery
Mail stationery

mail stationery


How to Change the Format to HTML of All Messages? Now you will choose HTML option from format options.After that click on Format Text option.Click on New E-mail to open new message.The below mentioned steps can be followed in order to change the format. Since this process is applicable only if HTML is used as message format, it is important to change the format of message to HTML. How to Change the Format to HTML of New Message? In the Save as type list, click on HTML and then click on Save.In the File name box, provide the name for this customized stationery as it suits you.In this Save As dialog box address bar, enter: %appdata%\microsoft\stationery and then press Enter.Now, in this message window, click File tab and select Save As option.which you want to include in the new customized stationery. Customize this new message with needed fonts, background color, images, bullets, horizontal lines, etc.This message can be discarded once the steps are completed. Below mentioned steps can be utilized to create custom stationery MS Outlook provides a vast number of options to select from and thus through this variety of options, users can design their own custom stationery with unique ideas like inclusion of company logo, or unique text style, etc. can be applied as per users' requirement and choice. A definite collection of elements and color schemes can be set where the fonts, color, images, horizontal lines, background colors, etc. Stationery of Outlook application and the themes are a set or pattern set of unified design. Creation of Stationery for Outlook Emails

mail stationery

However, for this, users must know how to add personal stationery. Users also have provision to make their own personal stationery. which can be applied to the email messages. This includes different set of patterns with distinctive design elements and parameters like effects, colors, fonts, bullets, etc. Stationery usually includes backgrounds and patterns, which are applied to the email design.

mail stationery

This facility is available in Outlook versions 2003 and onwards. MS Outlook has this inbuilt facility of adding stationery or backgrounds to the email messages.

Mail stationery